An electric potato peeler is a lifesaver when you have arthritis hands or simply want to save time in your food preparation task. You can say it is a god-sent kitchen tool since it can take over the tedious task of peeling fruits and vegetables. However, it is much more expensive than the traditional hand peeler. Hence, is an electric potato peeler worth it and good for the intended task?
Basically, this type machine runs on motor with a sharp blade to remove the skin of a potato, apple, or any other produce in a matter of seconds. As an electrical item, it will have its drawbacks although it also has a few distinct advantages.
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How To Use An Automatic Potato Peeler
There are various models available in the market for potato peelers. If you are looking for an automatic one that runs on electricity, it is pretty intuitive to operate. Many models will have the rechargeable option now although you can also use them with the normal AA batteries.
Once the peeler is charged and ready to go, place it on a flat and stable surface. Then, simply place the fruit or vegetable on the peeler’s spikes and holder at the bottom. Once it is secure, you can then turn on the peeler. It will start to rotate and the skin will be peeled off as the produce rotates around the blade. Turn it off when the peeling is complete and remove the peeled item.
The Pros Of An Electric Peeler
As you can see from the above, peeling potatoes will be a breeze with an electric peeler. This in turn means you can save a lot of time and effort when it comes to food preparation. This kitchen gadget can peel at a faster rate than a manual peeler and when you have lots of fruits and vegetables to work on, a tool like this will be much more practical and convenient. It will also free up your time to do other tasks.
As mentioned, it is easy and intuitive to operate. You don’t need much effort to learn how to use it. There is also no prior work needed to use the peeler other than ensuring the vegetable or fruit has been washed beforehand.
The best thing about an automatic peeler is that there is less wastage with consistent results. Just like a tool that gives you even slices of onions or tomatoes, an automatic peeler will also give you more uniform peels and the skin is thinly sliced off each time. The height is also adjustable so that you can use it not only for potatoes but other produce with hard surfaces such as apples, pears, and cucumbers.
An Electric Peeler’s Drawbacks
Of course, an electric peeler also has its cons. As mentioned above, it is much more expensive than a typical manual peeler and can cost $20 to $30 more unless you get a premium hand peeler like the one above.
On top of that, you need the space for it as it is not just a small item like a handheld peeler which you can easily stuff inside your drawer. Some people do not even have enough counter space to dry their dishes! Thus, if you have space issues in your kitchen, an electric peeler is not necessarily the right gadget to get.
The other disadvantage is that the peeler needs cleaning and maintenance. The blades need to be replaced over time too. It also needs a power source to operate whether through batteries or charged through a power outlet.
Finally, not all potatoes and produce can fit into the peeler. If the size is too small or the shape is irregular, you may not get a perfect peel which defeats the purpose of having this tool.
Is An Electric Potato Peeler Still Worth It?
The answer really depends on your personal needs and preferences. Yes, it is a useful gadget but it may not be necessary for everyone. There is budget, space, and cooking needs to consider before investing in one.
Given that it saves time and effort, it will make sense for those who cook often and usually have fruits and vegetables that require peeling. The time-saving will probably make an electric peeler a worthwhile investment. This is especially so if you value convenience.
However, if you seldom cook or just require small quantities of potatoes each time, you may not need this gadget as much. But you can still peel apples and fruits in an electric potato peeler to maximize its use.
Lastly, if you have hand arthritis, pain, or other mobility issues, then this is a no brainer. An electric potato peeler will be a good purchase to make. Just bear in mind that it would not be as versatile and flexible as a manual peeler as there would be some items it can’t peel because of its shape or size.
At the end of the day, whether an electric potato peeler is worth it or not really boils down to how much you will be using it given your eating and cooking habits.
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