Many people are dog owners as this animal offers companionship, love, and joy in a special kind of way. However, having a dog also means more work needs to be done to take care of them. The other problem is the amount of hair they can shed. The hair can be everywhere in the house and even on your clothes. Washing your clothes will not effectively get rid of them either. So, how to get dog hair off clothes in the washer or dryer so that you will have clean and presentable apparels to wear each time?
There are various methods that you can try. Some will require more work, some less. It is all a matter of how much convenience you are looking for and the level of effectiveness. There is no one size fits all and you will need to resort to trial and error to find out which method will work best for you. After all, different people have different washer and dryer models. Hence, the effectiveness will vary accordingly.
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Prior To Washing Or Drying
If you do this one additional step before putting your clothes in the washer, it could help to clean up most of the dog hair first. Just get a lint roller or tape and run it through your clothes. Get most of the pet hair out before you dump your clothes in the washer. That way, your clothes are more likely to come out of the washer free of hair.
An alternative to a lint roller is to use an anti-static spray. You can try this if you have particularly stubborn pet hair that clings to your clothes because of the static material. Simply spray on your clothes to make it static-free and the dog hair should come off easily before loading them into your washer.
The other thing you need to take care of is the lint trap of your dryer. Clean it before you use the dryer. This will help to prevent any remaining fur from getting trapped inside and sticking to your clothes.
Will Putting Something In The Washer Or Dryer Get Rid Of Dog Hair?
Yes, it can help to get rid of dog hair from your clothes. The common hack is to use vinegar. Some people will add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to soften the clothes and loosen the hair to prevent it from sticking to the fabric.
Other things you can put in the washer or dryer to get rid of pet hair include dryer sheets and pet hair remover balls or discs. Dryer sheets will reduce static cling and dog hair will then be less likely to cling to your clothes.
Balls or discs are available for both washing machine and dryer. They mainly contain unique microfibers which naturally adhere to animal hair. Thus, you don’t need to use a lint roller prior to washing as you can just put the ball or disc into the washer or dryer together with your clothes.
Others like Fur Zapper above requires you to use it on both washing machine and dryer to zap off fur from your laundry. It is also recommended that you use one for each pet and not to load too many clothes per cycle for maximum effectiveness. The Fur Zapper needs to move around to get rid of all the hair. Hence, if you overload your washer or dryer, the Fur Zapper won’t have sufficient space to move around in the machine to do its job.
Bear in mind these methods won’t dissolve dog hair in your machine. For instance, the Fur Zapper will only move the hair into your lint trap. Others will trapped the hair, fur, and lint on the balls.
Don’t Forget This To Get Dog Hair Off Clothes
Finally, do brush your dog regularly as this is the best way to minimize dog hair from getting on your clothes daily. When you remove loose hair, there will be less of them flying around the house. Otherwise, you will also need to remove pet hair from your broom when you do your sweeping apart from your clothes. The vast amount of hair could also get on your couch and stick to your shoes if you don’t have proper shoes storage.
In conclusion, getting dog hair off clothes in the washer or dryer can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible with all the removal methods that are available today. You now have things that you can put into a washing machine and dryer to remove dog and cat hair which are made specifically for that purpose. Hopefully, this will then give you less headache when it comes to having neat and tidy clothes while still having the companionship of your furry friend.
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