Neighbors can be the kindest and friendliest people around but they can also be a nightmare at times. Depending on your luck on who is next door, it may be a pleasant experience living where you are or you could be tearing your hair out due to their actions. One of the most common but annoying problems coming from a house or unit near you is the noise the dwellers make. How to drown out noisy neighbors then so that you can relax and have some quiet time at home when you need it?
Among the steps that you can take to reduce the noise is by talking to your neighbor. Sometimes, people don’t realize that the noise that they are making is too loud and annoying others. So, a kind reminder may be what it takes to solve the problem. If you don’t tell, they may never know that the noise is bothering you.
If you are not comfortable with a direct approach, you can also try leaving a note to remind your neighbor to tone down the noises. Be polite and seek their cooperation. Generally, people are more willing to respond when you ask in a nice way.
Nevertheless, not all neighbors will bother to accommodate your sensitivity to the loud noises they make. Moreover, some noises are not so loud that makes it fair for you to complain. They may merely be a nuisance every now and then. In these cases, you can help yourself by drowning out noisy neighbors within your own home.
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Ways To Drown Out Noisy Neighbors
Noisy neighbors can affect your mental health and make you anxious. So, if you are getting triggered by the noise, there are some things you can add to your living space to reduce it. At the very least, this is within your control in your own home if you are at a loss on how to deal with your noisy neighbors.
Install Sound Proof Curtains
Not many people realize that there is such a thing as noise reduction curtains. Besides blocking out sunlight, damping materials in some curtains are also able to absorb sound better than ordinary curtains.
You can try installing these sound proof curtains on windows that are closest to the source of the noise. Moreover, these thick curtains also tend to do a good job in thermal insulation and blocking out dusts from the outside. So, it is great not just for sound reduction which makes it a worthwhile investment.
Use A Noise Cancelling Headphone
If you are alone at home or indulging in some me time, listening to music with a noise cancelling headphone might do the trick to drown out the noise from your neighbors. A good headphone can totally neutralize the outside noise and give you superior sound quality from the audio source.
If your noisy neighbors is keeping you awake at night, then it may be hard to sleep with headphones on side. You can get earbuds designed for sleeping instead to block out unwanted sounds. They will fit snugly in your ears which makes it comfortable even if you are a side sleeper.
Turn On A White Noise Machine
White noise is not only for babies. Even adults can benefit from having background noises to help them fall asleep. The tricky part though is to have the white noise being generated at the right volume. Too soft and it will hardly drown out the noise coming from your neighbor. Too loud and you will be kept awake instead.
So, this is where a white noise machine comes in. There are models meant for adults with varying tones and volumes. Many of these are now smart appliances which enables you to control them via an app and set a schedule and timer.
Fill Up Your Home
If you house or apartment is too empty, the noise will seem louder as there is nothing to absorb some of the sound. Placing a rug on the floor is a good way to start especially if you are living in an apartment and the din comes from your downstairs neighbor.
Other items that you can get to fill up your home and reduce some of the noise are sofas with plush fabrics, cushions, and bookcases. Put your bookcase against the shared wall with your neighbor and that could help to absorb the sound coming from them.
Seal Up The Gaps
Noise will come in easily when there are gaps. The common gaps that can be found around the house would be cracks on the wall for older buildings and the slit at the bottom of the door. Seal up the wall cracks if you find that they are letting in sound.
Similarly, use a draft stopper to block out the gap between the door and the floor. This will also help to keep your home insulated apart from lessening the noise level from the streets and outside your home.
If the noise is still bothering you or exceptionally loud at times, take a break and go out for a walk. Reduce your anxiety and stress level by getting out of the house rather than be trapped inside. Sometimes, you just can’t get rid of the noise from your neighbor no matter what you do. Short of moving out, you can only learn to stop worrying and deal with it calmly by doing what you can that is within your control to reduce the noise and lessen the impact.
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