Getting your kids to clean up their room and ensure that it is mess-free can be frustrating. Not only the room may be dusty, dirty clothes could be strewn all over the floor. And the worst thing is kids, especially teenagers, tend to be rebellious. They would hardly bother to listen to your request for a neat and tidy bedroom. So, how to get your kids to pick up their dirty laundry and put them in the right place for washing?
One of the tricks is to make the chore fun so that they will be motivated to do it without being asked. But how do you make picking up dirty clothes fun? Well, this is where the right product can help to solve this problem and save you from having to constantly nag them not to leave dirty garments lying on the bedroom floor.
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The Solution To Get Your Kids To Pick Up Their Dirty Laundry
A basketball laundry hamper should make the chore of putting all the dirty clothes in the right place a fun-filled activity. Hang the hamper over the door and it becomes just like a basketball hoop. So, the next step is just for your kids to throw all their clothes to be washed into the hamper. They will think of it as throwing a basketball and a game. Whatever it is, there will be no more dirty clothes lying all over the place with this simple idea.
Apart from being perfect for a kid’s bedroom, this should also be a cheap thrill for a basketball fan. So, if you know of someone who loves basketball, this laundry hamper might just make an ideal gift.
There are different designs available for a basketball laundry hamper with minor variations here and there. Some use a drawstring to tie the bottom while others may utilize a zipper. You don’t have to remove the hamper or reach in to grab the clothes out. You just need to position your laundry basket at the bottom of the hamper. Once you release the drawstring or unzip the hamper, all the dirty garments will then fall straight into your laundry basket beneath.
I have even seen a basketball laundry hamper which will light up if the clothes hit the right spot. Basically, it is all designed in the name of fun to encourage kids to get the chore done.
Buying Considerations
I would say check the size of the hamper before you buy. These are usually not the big family-sized hampers. Hence, it might get filled quickly especially if it is being used by more than one kid.
Furthermore, this kind of hampers tend to be flimsy. A mesh bag is commonly used and they may not last very long. Similarly, the drawstring or zip may also have a short lifespan. The upside is it is not expensive to replace but spending a bit more for a better quality one may be a better option in the long run.
The dirty garments should also be easy to remove from the bottom. If the hamper is too small, the bottom could be too narrow for the clothes to easily fall out. So, look for one which has the right design at the bottom whereby clothes don’t get stuck when it is time to get them out.
Lastly, if you are really at your wits end on how to get your kids to pick up their dirty laundry and clean up their room, do give this over the door basketball laundry hamper a try. Just like solving the toothpaste mess problem, this might be just the thing you need to regain some sanity!
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